Category Archives: Uncategorized

Blog migrated to another domain

Dear readers.

A few months ago I started my own company Sven Vervynckt BVBA in Belgium. Together with the company comes a brand new website, which is hosted on Microsoft Azure (for now).

The website created in WordPress – just like this website – and has its own “blog” part. So from now on, I will no longer update this website with new posts. But of course, you’re welcome to follow me on my new website.

And I which you all a Happy new year!


Error registering plugins and/or workflows. The resource string “ErrorSerializingRegFile” for the “RegisterPlugin” task cannot be found

When trying to deploy my CRM plugin assymbly with the XRM Toolbox, I experienced the following error.


Error registering plugins and/or workflows. The resource string “ErrorSerializingRegFile” for the “RegisterPlugin” task cannot be found. Confirm that the resource name “ErrorSerializingRegFile” is correctly spelled, and the resource exists in the task’s assembly.



After searching the internet I found the following forum post. It seems like the problem is coming from TFS. The Registerfile is read-only, but TFS tries to write to the file when deploying the solution. We can easily fix this. Just right click the “RegisterFile.crmregister” and choose “Check out for Edit…“.




Hope this small post helped you to stay productive.

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